Help for the Earth is the help for all of us

Rebuild biodiversity, calm climate change and engender resilient and healthy communities. Earth wide.

  • Clean air
  • Clean and plentiful water
  • Healthy soil
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Healthy communities

Demonstrating that these are basic human rights.

This is not a problem for politicians, they are challenges for humanity. They are the current challenge, the required work for the future.

Let's get on with. With the right impetus, knowledge, skills and resources the Earth can support the generations of life to come.

This is the work that we all need to do. 

What is Earthsource?

The Earthsource Foundation - the centre of the circle.

Run as a not for profit organisation. B Corp. Supervisory board with a mixture of executive and non executive leaders from different backgrounds and different parts of the planet. Leads the three pillars of activity and operates worldwide. Raises a core central fund to kick start the work in the circle of Earthsource's three interdependent engagement models- Insight / Institute / Academy. Ambition to grow the circle as quickly as possible.

Earthsource is a virtual force, not reliant on physical offices. Inhabiting only hearts and minds. We can be seen through our actions and interventions not through lobby, policy or marketing.

B2B primary model to get started. Using the Opensource methodology pioneered by the tech industry enabling a blend of commercial free to market plus best practice sharing and a Agile approach to the issue and the work. 

The Circle:

Earthsource Insights 

A curated and editorially driven centre of knowledge for both measuring the condition of places on the planet and sharing knowledge from projects and interventions worldwide. Challenges made accessible and best practice transformations shared from a community allotment to creating a global regenerative finance system. The knowing part of the circle. Blending science, technology, nature and indigenous knowledge all with a strong and clear data driven output. Benchmarks would be the Google News team and the University of Linköping Visualization Institute. A digital observatory and intervention library. What and how. Principle paradigm is a channel for Many to Many. Human curated, tech based. Symbiotic. Communication.

Earthsource Institute.

The doing part of the circle providing knowledge, services and resources to funded projects delivering change in place, communities and organisations worldwide. Optimistic, creative and with a great sense of humour. Benchmark is effectively commerical ESG consultancies however given this is based on an Opensource philosophy all knowledge gained will be shared openly. The work done needs to generate funds to support the growth of all three engagement models of the Earthsource circle. This is a B2B led model with a paradigm of One to One. Fund and build demonstrators one by one that can be shared and scaled by others. Wide diversity of capability from creative to financial. Core team supplemented with a virtual workforce. Skills based interventions. Cultivation. 

Earthsource Academy.
The sharing part of the circle. Formal and informal learning. Sharing best practice and teaching the challenges and the potential for change. Digital learning platform combined with classroom based training. Virtual academy giving classes worldwide in partner organisations and places. One to many paradigm. Publisher of best practice developed worldwide. Think British Library crashed into the open university with none of the introverted lack of action generally associated with academic institutions. 



What we’ve done so far

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Our mission is to help Earth to breath again

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Our partners and collaborators

Legros LLC

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Volutpat nulla. Tortor cras suscipit augue sodales risus auctor. Fusce nunc vitae non dui ornare tellus nibh purus lectus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Bibendum adipiscing morbi orci nibh eget posuere arcu volutpat nulla. Tortor cras suscipit augue sodales risus auctor. Fusce nunc vitae non dui ornare tellus nibh purus lectus.

Volutpat nulla. Tortor cras suscipit augue sodales risus auctor. Fusce nunc vitae non dui ornare tellus nibh purus lectus.

Raynor Group

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Volutpat nulla. Tortor cras suscipit augue sodales risus auctor. Fusce nunc vitae non dui ornare tellus nibh purus lectus.

Placeholder Partner

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Volutpat nulla. Tortor cras suscipit augue sodales risus auctor. Fusce nunc vitae non dui ornare tellus nibh purus lectus.

Donnelly PLC

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Bibendum adipiscing morbi orci nibh eget posuere arcu volutpat nulla. Tortor cras suscipit augue sodales risus auctor. Fusce nunc vitae non dui ornare tellus nibh purus lectus.

Volutpat nulla. Tortor cras suscipit augue sodales risus auctor. Fusce nunc vitae non dui ornare tellus nibh purus lectus.